Welcome page/change the scope | |
How to change the scope |
You can modify the scope in mytem360 in order to:
-change the client if you have several clients to manage
-filter the analysis by carrier or by billing account
-filter by client organization or a particular level in its organization
Once the scope is changed, you will be taken to the new environment where the invoice amounts are split by billing accounts or by client organization.
1. Glide the mouse to the left of your client name (upper right corner of the screen) in order for the "Change scope" feature to appear, then click on the icon.
2. A window appears letting you choose the scope.
*Select customer: you can change the client in this field.
*Select organization: you can filter the organization by carrier, client organization or location.
*Reset scope: allows you to go back to the previous scope.
- Global view: the highest view on the scope, which covers all carriers and client organizations.
- Vendor: you can find all the carriers here.
- Client: you can find all the existing client organizations if they have been created in mytem360.
- Location: physical site.
3. Click on for the drop-down menu to appear.
You can choose and click the scope from the list, and then choose a sub-scope from the window of choices that appear to the right.
3. Select scope of analysis
If you choose an organization that is not "Global View", you must select a scope of analysis within your organization.
The displayed scopes are the ones you have the rights to. If you do not have access to any scope, you will not have to select the scope of analysis.
4. Submit.
The new scope you have chosen is now visible in the upper right corner of the welcome page as breadcrumb.
3- Changing the scope using the breadcrumb
Depending on your user rights, you can use the breadcrumb to navigate on the scope currently displayed.
1. In the example given, if you would like to go to "SITE", glide your mouse over it (it turns blue) and click.
This function appears only if the user has selected a scope of analysis within an organization (in this example, a physical location).
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