Repository Management | |
Drop files (invoices) to integrate in mytem360 |
Once you have logged on to myconsole360, you can upload files (vendor invoices) for processing and integration into mytem360.
To do this, click on the Customer/Repository menu
Then click on the "Repository Management" tile
To illustrate the various stages involved in submitting an invoice, let's take the example of a customer or partner wishing to submit an invoice, Orange PDF for their customer 0_DEMO_INTERNATIONAL.
Since the invoice has an appendix, it must also be submitted.
For invoices to be processed, it is imperative to respect the provider's naming rules.
In our example, the Orange PDF naming rules are :
For invoices:
%yyyymm%_%customer name%_%invoice number%_invoice.pdf
For ancillary invoices :
%yyyymm%_%customer name%_%invoice number%_invoice_appendix.pdf
202204_0_DEMO_INTERNATIONAL _53123456_invoice_annexe.pdf
Step 1: Client selection
Customer selection is made by clicking on the bar.
(Only the partner's customers are visible in this list).
Step 2: Select Import Type
The user can select the import type by clicking on .
Four import types can be selected:
- Invoicing (with or without CDR): corresponds to a provider invoice
- CDR tickets only: corresponds to CDRs (Call data Record)
- Generic invoicing: corresponds to a provider invoice previously put into Saaswedo format by the partner (Output format)
- Customer repository: not currently active
In our example, we choose the Billing format (with or without CDR).
Step 3: Select Provider
The user can select the provider by clicking on the bar.
Once theprovider has been selected, a Description box appears, indicating the type of file extension expected for this provider.
If the partner wishes to submit an invoice from provider that he does not already process, he can click on the icon of the
A drop-down menu opens, allowing him to select and add a new provider processed by Saaswedo. Simply click on the phrase "Please select a provider" to bring up the drop-down menu.
Step 4: File
To deposit an invoice, simply drag it into the rectangle.
A notification appears at the top right of the page.
In the event of an error, you can delete the file using the "Delete File" icon.
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