mytem360/Billing/Dispute list |
Audit by inventory |
This type of audit applies to instances that have the inventory module opened. This approach looks at each product invoiced to one phone line/service ID/circuit number. We are going for the contract price of one product (among many others) in a phone line/service ID/circuit number.
In the inventory module, pick the phone line/circuit number that you would like to set an audit price for.
Remember to choose a management group. In this example we can see the orange POWER CORP. The audit function will not work if you are in the "Entire fleet" view or "My management groups" view.
Go to the details of that line.
Go to the line's Subscription and Option section.
You will a list of products and their billed amounts in that section.
You can see toggle buttons for each product in the third column In the inventory. To audit a product of the given phone line/service ID/circuit number, toggle to the right. You will have a non-gray color when the toggle is active.
Scroll to the right of the list, so you can enter your audit price.
Hover your mouse over the field "Inventory amount (original currency". A pen will pop-up. Click on the pen and enter the contract price for the product that you have toggled to audit.
You will be able to set the contract price and click on the check mark.
Mytem will calculate the amounts overnight. The next day, you must go to the menu Billing/Invoice/Dispute List.
Choose the Inventory tab.
You will see the products of a line that deviate from the contract price.
It shows the:
- provider
- invoice number
- billing period
- account number
- sub account number
- phone line/service ID/circuit number
- product with a deviation from the contract price
- amount billed for each product in a phoneline/circuit number/service ID
- contractual price of each product (called contractual unit rate)
- gap in amount
- gap in percentage
- dispute column saying "detected".
To notify the provider of this dispute, click on the three dots at the end of the row holding the phone line/service ID.
A window opens where you can write a message to the provider. Remember to tick the message below "Would you like to receive an email summarizing the dispute(s)?".
Going back to the table, you will see that the dispute status is now Open.
When the dispute is solved, you can change the status to Closed.
When you click close, mytem will ask you to link the dispute to an invoice. There will be a drop-down of invoice numbers int he list.
The dispute will now be Closed.
See the other types of audit here:
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