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Below are the new features that will be introduced in the next mytem360 release, scheduled for Tuesday 19/09/2023.
1. Account administration:
- "Customization" tile:
Possibility to enter the recipient of the e-mail following reference information ("Order" section, "Reference information e-mail" sub-section). This function enables you to enter a recipient's e-mail address, so that you can be notified by e-mail as soon as an order reference (imei number, series, line number, etc.) is entered.
2. Invoice list :
- "Invoice List" tile:
- New fields added to invoice details (Address: Recipient and Payment address; Amount paid and Amount due; History of invoice validation actions).
- New fields added to the "Invoice list" grid field library (Supplier: Recipient, Payment deadline, Processing deadline; Miscellaneous: Account payable file, Payment voucher, Amount due).
- Added recipient to the "Payment address" block when creating invoices manually.
Updated Zendesk article:
- "Invoice action log" tile:
-"Advanced period filter" added
- Layout improvement
Details of this new feature in the following Zendesk article:
Action log in the Billing module
3. Order and order management :
- Harmonization of labels applied to transaction types (interface, purchase order and mail).
- Creation of a new operation type: equipment and/or accessory with SIM.
- Possibility of modifying item quantities during step 2 of the initialization and modification order.
Details of this new feature in the following Zendesk article:
How to edit the quantity of an order in progress
- Improved manual and automatic dispatching of basket items.
- Management of multi-equipment sub-orders (only 1 type per equipment).
- Management of equipment + SIM sub-orders.
Details of this new feature in the following Zendesk article:
- - Multi-accessory suborder management.
Details of this new feature in the following Zendesk article:
How to place a single order for several accessories
- Evolution of the Distributor/Supplier section to take into account equipment and SIM orders invoiced by a supplier other than the one associated with the SIM. Joined Management of equipment + SIM sub-orders
- Evolution of the Sites section :
- Removal of Delivery Instructions block.
- Possibility of associating a recipient (surname, first name and telephone number) with the delivery site according to the following choices: Login executing the order, Asset from the directory in the order management group, Free input.
- Possibility of activating a delivery site 2 (back-up address).
- Delivery site 2 is taken into account when selecting the billing site.
- BDC update
Details of this new feature in the following Zendesk article:
Choose a recipient for order delivery
Specify a back-up for order delivery
- New fields added to the "Sub-order list" grid field library (Miscellaneous: IME reference entry, IMEI 2 reference entry, Serial number reference entry, SIM reference entry, Line reference entry; Delivery and billing: address 2 fields added)
- Removal of fields dedicated to the old "Delivery instruction" block.
4. Inventory Management:
- Improved site import to associate the site with a grid park entrance.
Details of this new feature in the following Zendesk article:
5. API : New end-points creation and update:
- profile/order/list (calls up the list of order profiles available to the user on a given client)
- administration/pack/list (call returning the list of packs available to the user on a given customer)
- administration/catalog/list (call returning a customer's catalog)
- customization/order/statuslist (calls up the exhaustive list of order workflow statuses, with customized labels)
- fleet/update/outoforderswapdevice (call to replace a faulty piece of equipment with another)
- fleet/gridlist (call to return the customer's fleet status)
- order/detail: add RG keys
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